Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Prime Minister turns storyteller for Otara kids

Prime Minister John Key traded his office at the Beehive for a seat in front of hundreds of kids when he attended the Otara Literacy Day on April 9.

The Prime Minister sat down to read the book ‘Quaky Cat’ to the kids in attendance. The book, published by Scholastic and written by Diana Noonan and Gavin Bishop, tells the story of pets that were displaced in the wake of the September earthquake in Christchurch. Proceeds from the sale of the book are going towards the ongoing earthquake relief effort.

The bi-annual literacy day, hosted this year by Tangaroa College, brought together schools and families from around Otara with the aim of inspiring all members of the community to realise that literacy is a key driver of success. The theme for this year’s event was “Building Learning Families”.

Running since 2005, the event is coordinated by the Otara Boards’ Forum Inc., a non-profit organisation with an educational focus. Its vision is “Building Education in Otara” and it currently works with the majority of Otara schools.

The day was supported by Scholastic New Zealand, Mainfreight, Four Winds Foundation, Te Puni Kokiri, Lion Foundation and Office Max. Scholastic provided a mountain of books to give away to children at the end of the event.

Duffy also played a major part. The ‘It’s in the Book’, quiz in which children got the chance to win prizes was a big success.

General Manager, Linda Vagana reports that "Saturday's Literacy Day really demonstrated Otara's incredible community spirit. 
We were thrilled that the Prime Minister was able to take the time out of his busy schedule to read 'Quaky Cat' to all the children present.  Just as importantly, we were hugely encouraged to see Otara's commitment to literacy which seems to get greater and greater each time this event is held".

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